Transaction Processing


BizPro’s Transaction Processing services include initial status documentation, process restructuring, data capture and  return of processed data in a customer defined format .

Typical examples of such transactional process would be

  • insurance claims
  • travel expense claims
  • data of new insurance  policies
  • data of new bank accounts , etc.


The major benefits that customers can derive from BizPro’s Transaction Processing services are:

  • significant cost reductions in data capture,
  • improvement  in process &  process management,
  • quick turn-around times,
  • assured delivery quality,
  • space saving and compliance through optical data storage in a format acceptable to the authorities,
  • Flexibility in ramping up and down capacities as required on a variable basis,
  • Ability to focus on higher value added core competency areas and leave lower value added areas to a company who can more efficiently reap the economies of scale here.

Service Features

The service begins with an initial stocktaking by our local consultant together with the customer, which captures the present situation on various aspects  of  the transaction process.

The analysis document details the  feasibility of outsourcing  and the ROI.

The document also details the suggested process workflow defining the interfaces between BPI and the customer . In specific cases an input/output format may have to be specially defined for the customer. Most of the time however the industry standard data interchange formats would be used. Potentially the offshore processing center could enter the data directly into the customer’s systems obviating the need for a Data interchange and speeding up the process.


In every case the customer gets a  workflow that is suited to their particular needs .

In the ensuing execution phase the laid down methodology is followed leading to the cost efficient and relatively rapid execution of outsourced work .

The customer enjoys the advantage of having highly qualified and motivated people working for him offshore at a fraction of the costs of employing such people in the home country. At the same time he has a front end speaking the local language and understanding the local scenario. The incoming and outgoing QA is done by qualified professionals at the back end.

The output that emerges from the backend is twofold. On the  one side an import file for the customers systems containing  the line item bookings is generated and, on the other hand the voucher data in storable optical form is also delivered.

In the process the customer does not risk data loss, leakage  or damage due to BizPro’s stringent safety and security procedures and practices.


This service is focussed on a  few Industry groupings that are characterised by their large volume of transaction documents:

  • Banking
  • Retail
  • Wholesale
  • Financial services /Insurances
  • Logistics companies
  • Travel and tour Agencies

Engagement Scenarios

In alignment with BizPro’s BestSourcing Strategy, BizPro offers either onsite, near shore or offshore services or any meaningful combination of the three, depending on the specific requirement. In a typical engagement scenario, a local BizPro consultant or project manager becomes the primary interface to the customer and assumes the responsibility of project and process-management in conjunction with our local (onsite/offsite), near-shore and offshore delivery teams.